Pension advice

Prepare for retirement from the age of 50 with a long-term plan to optimise your potential tax savings.

The aim is to secure an income during your retirement from well invested capital and if needed from gradual depletion of assets.

Are you planning on being pensioned from the age of 50? We will advise you on AHV, pension funds and assets and liabilities structures: e.g. securities, real estate and mortgages as well as taxes and estate.
We develop long-term solutions for you.

Taxation savings

If you follow a long-term tax plan until your retirement you can be able to save thousands of Francs on your next tax payment. Contributions to 3a-accounts, staggered withdrawals and contributions to the pension fund can contribute to substantial tax savings.
Considerable savings can be made, for example, with a staggered withdrawal of your old age savings from the second or third column of investment.

AHV Pensions

It is advisable to determine how high your AHV pension will be at retirement. Furthermore, the amount of the pension if advanced withdrawals are made or if retirement is delayed by up to five years past the retirement age (regular retirement age of woman is 64 and men is 65).


Pension fund assets can either be withdrawn as capital or pension as well as a combination of both. The decision between capital or pension can affect the amount of the income at retirement, financial flexibility, tax invoices and financial security of your relatives.


We can analyse and plan your financial situation in case of an early retirement and will display the possibilities and risks linked to this.

According to the legislation you can get pensioned at the age of 70 at the latest. However, this is only possible if the statutes of the pension fund allow retirement after the normal retirement age.


Arrange your inheritance matters in due time to avoid unnecessary inheritance taxes and disputes between the heirs.

Additionally, renewing your mortgages during your pensionable age can lead to unexpected problems.